Service or Repair?

After an ongoing nightmare with our last vehicle we finally have a new one. We tried our best when choosing to pick wisely, the one we went for in the end was from a good garage and it had a full service history. As we were leaving the mechanic really recommended keeping on top of the services and not scrimping. What he said next has stuck with me and I have been pondering it ever since, he said;

‘I have two kinds of customers, those who come in for services and the others who come in for repairs’. In other words if you look after your vehicle in a preventative way, there are less repairs that you need to do. My job as a fitness instructor has taught me exactly the same principle, their are people who look after their health with proper nutrition and exercise, and their are people constantly medicating and dieting to try and fix their ill health.

Now of course there are exceptions you can become very ill or your car can break however well you look after yourself or your possessions, but we do have a integral role to play in looking after what God has entrusted to us.

More important than your physical possessions and body is the health of your heart and mind. Take a moment to ponder and pray, when it comes to your internal world are you more of a service or repair kinda girl?

Do negative, critical, judgemental thoughts just swim around your mind out of control until they come out of your mouth and do damage and something/someone needs repairing? Or do you take the time to notice them, repent, speak scripture and truth over them preventing the damage?

Do you believe lies about yourself that your no good, never gonna change, inferior to other people…allowing shame to come in and batter you down? Or do you fight those thoughts with the truth that Jesus says about you, that you’ve been made perfect in His sight, that He chose you and you have an important role to play in His kingdom.

I guess I’m a bit of both, but I’m choosing more to take the time to service my heart and mind by regularly taking the time to check in with God and asking Him to search my heart. We are all so busy and the hardest person to fight for is yourself. I am learning that I just don’t have the time not do the this. The repairs I need to do from letting rubbish build up on my mind and heart are much more costly and time consuming than the time it takes to give myself a regular spiritual service. 

The beautiful, redemptive truth of the gospel is so awesome that when we do become overwhelmed and unwell emotionally God always helps us with the repair work, whether it be to ourselves or those we have hurt so their is no condemnation here. We are all on a journey and we all will get it wrong sometimes.

From the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks…..and don’t we know it!

Let’s be women who know their worth and invest in our spiritual Wellbeing, the fruit is so good not just for us but for everyone in our world. Let’s choose life.

How about you?

Could you do with a service?

Thanks for taking the time to read this, I hope and pray it’s helpful to you

Love Emma